Our reporting solution is powered by powerful cloud-based, business intelligence software, providing intuitive and interactive reports as well as customisable dashboards. 100% web-based, it offers a clean and feature-rich UI with modern interface and simple navigation providing visibility of important information, quickly and easily, anytime, anywhere.
Real-time insights – answer questions as they arise
Key data metrics allow you to determine booking behaviour, trends, identify outliers, and unearth hidden insights. Need your report segmented by cost centre or division? Not a problem – just tell us when we set you up.
Data at your fingertips!
Our online access provides data on demand – whether that be via online dashboards, interactive links or static data extracts.
- Multiple dashboards provide a clear picture – Quickly prepare and present multiple data sets across dashboards for your key stakeholders as required.
- Micro-analyse your data and drill down quickly with our interactive reports – slice and dice as you need.
Do you have an upcoming board meeting? We can also produce professional PDF reporting packs with full analysis, ready for presentation to senior management.
Traveller Tracking
Through our reporting suite we also offer our Traveller Tracking Software, Geo. Highlights include:
- Real-time updates of traveller locations based on the passive tracking of their itinerary data
- Determine whether travellers are on the move and passing through a region, or whether they have arrived at their final destination
- Real-time security alerts in partnership with Safeture, a leading global traveller security company, highlighting geo-political and environmental incidents which could affect the safety of your travellers
- Detailed map overlays highlighting risks, incidents and global health concerns for every country worldwide