Our new reporting system has now been launched and many clients have already signed up to receive full access to their travel data.
Our new Analytix Reporting platform offers enhanced insight and control over your travel spend and is fully customizable, with the ability to “dive” into the data at a macro level. We provide 4 levels of reporting packages – all customers have access to an introductory report pack, giving an overview of travel spend.

We have a variety of other packages available, right up to the Platinum package which provides full online access to our entire suite of reports. It also provides access to GEO Traveller Tracking, allowing your company Travel Manager or HR Team direct access to locate the current position of your employees wherever they are, based on known travel data.
GEO also provides geopolitical data and travel alerts to ensure the safety of your staff while away on company business.
For more information, please contact us to discuss the different options available.