Virgin Atlantic – Sustainable Aviation Fuel

On 28th November, Virgin Atlantic flight VS100 flew from Heathrow to New York. This flight was historic as it was the first transatlantic passenger flight to solely use SAF – Sustainable Aviation Fuel – made mostly from tallow and other waste products.  

Airlines are currently investing hugely in developing more sustainable ways to travel, be it SAF, electric powered aircraft or even airships!  

Aviation has always been an easy target regarding the environmental impact of air travel, although it only accounts for 3.5% of global emissions. This is much lower than other industries such as cement which creates 5%, and the fashion industry which creates around 10%.  

However, air travel does have a direct impact on greenhouse gas emissions and the global environment, and we should all do everything we can to minimize and offset this impact.  

In 2022 Uniglobe Carter Travel started to work with market leader “Trees4Travel” to help our clients offset the CO2 emissions from their travel, many of our clients have signed up for this simple and cost-effective method to offset.  

From January, we are able to send out CO2 reports to all of our clients, giving a breakdown of the totals and also the cost to offset. We manage the reporting free of charge, the only cost is the offset itself. If you would like more information, please contact  

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